Your Green Hydrogen Solutions Provider for the Transition to Net Zero!
Your Green Hydrogen Solutions Provider for the Transition to Net Zero!
The image refers to a Framework for the Classification of Renewable Energy Resources and Green Hydrogen Reserves.
Green Hydrogen Solutions will authenticate Renewable Energy Resources and Green Hydrogen Reserves to incentivise greater investment in renewable energy by more accurately valuing green hydrogen and renewable energy, which will create a positive feedback loop to enable countries, cities and companies to meet net-zero targets. Using technology developed by Green Hydrogen Solutions, and the classification system advocated, it is possible to then find renewable electricity for electrolysis from structured or unstructured networks. There will be limited to no renewable electricity curtailment, and importantly no negative pricing of renewable electricity under these scenarios. Refer to Case Studies from data collected in various geographic regions in Projects.
In order for Green Hydrogen to develop as a mainstream industry to decarbonise the non-electricity aspects of the global energy system, it needs a classification system similar to Mineral and Petroleum Resources Definitions for the sourcing of renewable electricity to provide greater certainty for investments in electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen production and to incentivise greater investment in renewable energy by more accurately valuing green hydrogen and renewable energy, which will create a positive feedback loop to enable countries, cities and companies to meet net-zero targets.
Finding green electrons and then classifying these electrons is similar to upstream exploration for oil, gas and mining, where once a potential for exploitation is found it is classified as a Resource and / or Reserve, and categorized further within a Resources Category as Measured, Indicated and / or Inferred and within the Reserves Category as Proved and / or Probable.
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